personal interests the arts graphic art

"I enjoy doing graphic artwork using freehand drawing, my camera, Photoshop, AutoCad, and other computer graphics programs.
I think it is a real challenge to try and portray an idea, a concept, or a product in a quick, bold, memorable piece of artwork.
The layouts, the content, the color, the text font... all need to work together to "sell" the concept quickly.
Much of my graphic art work has been generated by requests for group or team logos, business logos, and community organizations.
Others I have done are for humor, political satire, and relaxation..."

unless otherwise noted all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

the arts
graphic art


the arts
graphic art

internet graphics

the arts
graphic art

logo graphics

the arts
graphic art

print works

the arts
graphic art


the arts
graphic art


the arts
graphic art


copyright  d holmes chamberlin jr  - architect
page last revised february 2020